Drones in Primary Industries
Teaching resources
NSW DPI resources- Drones and UAV's in Primary Industries- Stage 4/5
'Drones and UAV's in Primary Industries' PPT, Support document and webinar, allow students to
Explore how drones and UAV’s are used in agriculture,
Discover the science behind how a drone works and the types of drones, and
Carry out a ‘drone mission’ to understand how drones are programmed to operate in the field.
Mapped to the NSW Agricultural Technology Years 7-10 Syllabus and Science Years 7-10 Syllabus, it could easily be adapted to STEM learning or the Stage 4 Technology Mandatory syllabus.​
Other teaching resources
'Know your drone, CASA classroom resources', Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Australian Government - https://www.casa.gov.au/knowyourdrone/classroom-resources
'Drone search lesson', The GiST (Girls in STEM Toolkit' - https://www.thegist.edu.au/schools/stem-educator-resources/lessons-for-years-7-8/drone-search/
'Drones for STEM learning and teaching', USQ, - https://open.usq.edu.au/course/view.php?id=350#:~:text=Current%20ProgramTopic-,Drones%20for%20STEM%20learning%20and%20teaching%20program,community%20using%20our%20collective%20expertise.
Teacher Professional Development
Drones in Agriculture
The course aims to develop knowledge and skills in:
Safe and efficient operation of drones in an agricultural context
Australian laws related to the use of Remote Pilot Aircraft's (RPA) for private use
Collecting and processing data for use in creating a crop planting map or precision fertiliser program.
Accredited course:
This course is mapped to the following national units of competency:
AHCMOM311 - Operate precision control technology
AVIW0028 - Operate and manage remote pilot aircraft systems
Delivered by Ben Watts