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Investigate: fire ants (Stage 3)

Investigate Fireants kids.jpg

The aim of Investigate: Fire Ants is to stimulate an interest in science, technology
and agriculture in young people and to promote the teaching of these subject
areas in schools. Students will design and complete an investigation and create
a communication product that aligns with outcomes from the NSW Science and
Technology, English and Geography syllabuses.

This unit of work focuses on a biosecurity threat, the red imported fire ant,
which was detected at Port Botany in November 2014 (eradicated), South Murwillumbah in November 2023 and Wardell in 2024. Fire ants are an invasive pest that can negatively affect our recreational spaces, agricultural production and out-compete native species.

 It is imperative that we all do our bit to ensure that we stop the spread of fire ants into NSW.

The link below gives you access to the Investigate: Fire Ants teacher guide and student workbook. 

Check out the interactive "Identifying Invasive Ant Species" 

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Watch the 'Fighting the Fire Ant as a citizen scientist' webinar to learn from DPI scientists how to identify the ants and their nests, and how to be a citizen scientist to help stop their spread in NSW.

If you think you've seen Fire Ants or their nests:

  • LEAVE IT: Do not destroy or treat the nest. Fire ants are prohibited matter in NSW.    

  • SNAP IT: Safely take a clear photo or video for identification.    

  • CALL IT: Call the hotline on 1800 680 244 or, submit an online form at or contact through the BioResponse NSW app. 

Investigate: fire ants was run in 2016. See the winning entry below. 

We hope you enjoy the program, feel free to contact us by email ( at any time.

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