Take your students outside this summer (Stage 3)
Note: these resources are most suited to students working at stage 3 level but can be adapted for younger and older students.
This summer the Peri-urban Environmental Biosecurity Network needs your help.
Get your students involved in some citizen science while they learn about some of NSW’s target invasive pests.
With this quick activity you will:
deliver a hands-on activity in your school grounds that contributes to the important biosecurity surveillance of NSW
help biosecurity staff monitor the state for some of the pests of greatest concern in NSW right now
give your students an insight into one of the many science careers in agriculture and natural resource management
get your students outside for some authentic learning!
Download the powerpoint presentation, teacher guide and student worksheet below.
Promote your great work
If you would like to receive a certificate of appreciation to share with your school community, email the NSW DPI Schools Program, let us know how many students took part and we will send a certificate to you.

If you would like more information about the work of the Peri-urban Environmental Biosecurity Network visit their webpage at https://extensionaus.com.au/periurbanenvirobiosecurity/home.